The problem with most commercial DVM modulesThese days you can get at almost every local electronic store digital voltmeter modules (DVM-modules). Those instruments are meant to be placed into any equipment. They have however one big problem and usually there is no mention of that on the box. If it is mentioned than it is usually only in the fine print inside the leaflet that comes with it:You can't power the module from the same power that you intend to measure. In other words something like this is not possible: ![]()
The the solution: a simple microcontroller based DVM circuitThe best solution to the problem is to take a small microcontroller with build-in ADC (analog to digital converter) and add a display.How do you attach a simple and cheap numeric display to a microcontroller? Here is an idea that works very well: Take a seven segment LED display. The only problem is that 3 digits would normally require 3x7 = 21 output-pins on the microcontroller. A way to reduce the pins would be to use 74HC4511 seven segment drivers. This adds however complexity and extra cost. A much better solution is to drive only one seven segment display at a time and one display after the other. If you do this quickly enough then the human eye will see a standing flicker free 3 digit number. Here is the schematic drawing: ![]() Click on the picture to see a larger version. The circuit diagram is also available as PDF A universal 3 digit display moduleThis is really much more than a DVM module. Since the code is available as source it is very easy to change the mathematics inside the voltmeter. You can define what ADC (analog to digital converter) reading should result in what number on the display.It's also much more than a voltmeter. You can not only read analog values but also digital sensors via the IO-pins on the right. It is important for a flicker free display to refresh the LEDs frequently. You must therefore keep the code small. To read an ADC and to do some extra calculations is however no problem at all. ![]()
Using the displayThe ADC inside the microcontroller is a 10bit converter and the atmega8 has internal reference of 2.56V. To be able to measure more than 0-2.56 Volt we but the voltage divider resistors (Ry and Rx) in-front. The impedance of the ADC is several Mega-Ohms. In other words you can neglect the impedance if you use resistors in the range of 10-100K for Ry and Rx. The relation between the voltage on CONN2 and the digital ADC readings is:ADCread * 2.56V * Rx Vmeasure = --------------------- 1024 * (Rx + Ry)This is the formula implemented in the file analog.c Dependent on what kind of voltmeter you want you can choose appropriate values for Rx and Ry and calculate the voltage range: Javascript voltage divider calculator. Please enter the value of Rx and Ry in KOhm without units (e.g for 10K you enter 10 into the form).
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